My untold exploits in Digital & Growth Marketing
Lately, I have been pondering on some of my exploits in digital and growth marketing that are not listed on my resume. I somewhat happen to be the cool dude who is not too good at blowing his trumpet, a trend I hope to change soon.
The reason is that I have missed juicy job opportunities because I did not say all about myself and my achievements and a good number of them are not on my CV.
I hope to find time to share my story, of how I helped many #FINTECHs grow their user base as an affiliate marketer. I will shade more light on the growth hacking techniques that I used to become the #1 brand Ambassador for Carbon | Branch International | Palmcredit NG | FairMoney
So far I have generated over 10,000 apps downloads from these lending apps and made over 2 million naira and still counting.
Special thanks to my mentor Oluwole Ogunlade for providing coaching sessions during my early days in digital marketing.
In the meantime, am still looking forward to an opportunity of joining a FINTECH firm or a financial services company that will give me the privilege to lead their team to glory.
Finally, I will be on the Idigify Academy’s faculty to train young people in Advance Digital Marketing techniques from the 19th of June till September 2021
#digitalmarketing #growthhacking #Fintech